Monday, April 27, 2009

Internet invasion

There are so many wonderful advances we've made in technology. Sometimes, though, we can be too smart for our own good and the good of our families. The world of computers can be so helpful and yet there is always an underlying danger that lurks. There are many forms the "enemy" uses to distract and destroy all that is good. If you've ever typed in the wrong thing in a search box and ended up on a website that was smut, you know what I mean. One wrong move and POW! a fiery dart right in the kisser.
What's on my mind right now is the whole trend of let's just call them "personal profile" websites. You know, the ones that everyone goes to to post their lives and stay connected to each other. Sounds simple enough. Sounds innocent enough. For a lot of people, maybe it is. However, there are a lot a gray areas on the internet. There are no physical lines or boundaries and most of us sit in the privacy of our homes where there is no accountability of others "seeing" what we do. You can meet an old friend and chat about years gone by. You can connect people through this media of false truth of how great we all portray ourselves. You can easily be ensnared with too-good-to-be true emotions leading your heart astray. Before you know it, you've been trapped. Good intentions go wrong. Very wrong. Families, even the closest ones, can be destroyed. That is the objective of the enemy we fight. Fear not, God gives us armor for battle. We choose to resist temptation with the help of our mighty Leader. The enemy must flee, but be careful little fingers where you type, lest you enter his territory.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I have no idea what I'm doing---do you?

Hi there. Well, here we go, my first post. I doubt anyone will read this, but if I'm wrong---Welcome to my world!
I am a blogging newbie, so if you have any tips for me, I'd greatly appreciate it!
I've decided to start a blog for a few reasons. First of all, I hope to make some new friends. I believe we all need to support each other and we each have something to share with the rest of the world. Second, I have been following a few "mommy" blogs that I do absolutely adore. However, I've just been wondering if there is a place for not-so-perfect moms. I don't know about you, but I have always worried way too much about what others think of me. I have tried to fit the mold in every way. I've tried to be the most faithful Christian, the most patient mother, the "Donna Reed" homemaker, the greatest wife ever and all around model citizen. I've always tried to get it "right", whatever that is. Whether it's the pressures of the world or simply self-inflicted, I realize that I have never given myself the permission to just be---be what I am, good or bad, fat or thin, right or wrong. God made me. I'm here for His purpose. My hope is that I'll learn to see past my flaws and focus on the Lord's will. I believe once I can get my eyes off "what's wrong with me" I will be able to be the wife, mother and Christian I so long to be.
Thank you Jesus for the hope I have in You!