Monday, May 4, 2009

The little things...

There are so many issues going on in the news. You know, the words we hear daily. Recession!-- Gas prices!-- Swine flu!-- Oh My!
Yes, things look bleak. Yes, we need to be aware. Yes, God is still in control.
My family is struggling with financial difficulty which can affect every aspect of life, including spiritual life. Anxiety over what will happen tomorrow can be downright suffocating. I remember a plaque my mother had that said, "I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds tomorrow." Sometimes I think we go through things to learn to appreciate the daily manna we are given. While I prepared a less than fancy dinner for my family, I did my best to make it special with pretty plates and such. I watched my little boy eat while giving me the "thumbs up" and he thanked me for making such good food. I am just thankful to have warm, filling food in our bellys and provision for today. God's promises are true. We must choose to put fear out of our minds even though we can't see where the next step will lead. Let's remember to praise Him for the little things.
Be sure to visit for more thankful tidbits.


  1. Hi! I've only been blogging a few months, but it has been very rewarding. I am certain you will find it rewarding, too! I enjoyed your posts. Have a great day! Lori @ Shine Like Stars

  2. what a thought-provoking post. the things we often take for granted are the ones we're really most thankful for!

    by the way, I like the quote your mom shared -- what matters is He who holds tomorrow. have a blessed day.

  3. I have often been told that Satan holds all the fear and that we should not be afraid but pray for God holds the blessings
